Tuesday 28 December 2010

Clarifying the New Year Resolution by Melvyn Brown

NEW YEAR resolutions have always been a part of the fabric of Christian life. “ Trust the Lord and sincerely worship him ; think of all the tremendous things he has done for you. “ 1 Sam . 12: 24. We all have dreams , talk about hope and how tough things are. At the same time we try to prevent the worst from happening by trying to take control. There are no rules for complicated situations which might arise. But, there is evidence in how ,by asserting oneself to face the full realism can make a perceptible change through resolutions. Fear often keeps the faithful in doubt about their resolves.
                                     Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. Just trust me.” Mk. 5:36.

A simple new year resolution without the phobia , but cautiously taken can lead to a measure of success in solving a crisis. In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations , the lawyer Jaggers tells Pip , “Take nothing on its looks ; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule. “
 It makes sense that even the most delicate and difficult situation one encounters can be a good new year resolution to bring about change , provided we are not afraid , or in doubt. A person can eloquently defend , protect, preserve and even prevent the forces of good from being demonized.  Resolve this new year to forgive an enemy , to clarify hope in trust , to prevent evil, promote goodwill, understand problems on the domestic front, make sharp distinctions between opposing values among friends, to abandon bad habits, and to be a better person.

 It’s worth noting that whatever resolution you make may not germinate instantly , it will first take root, sprout as some beans do after gentle watering and fearless attention to growth. The grim reality is that making a resolution is nerve-shattering and the fear of failing even worse. No one says it will be easy. It was not meant to be.

In his letter to the Romans, Saint Paul said, “ For the magistrate does not frighten people who are doing right ; but those doing evil will always fear him. So, if you don’t want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. “ Rom. 13:3. So,clarify your resolution and do not be resoluophobic !

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