Tuesday 30 November 2010

Anglo-Indian Race Preservation

Melvyn Brown Says…….
"The advantages are clear. Preservation is invaluable, especially when it comes to heritage and culture. I have a few good visions with potential rather than commercial correctness. One could diversify the risk in projects to preserve and protect the Anglo-Indian community’s inevitable fate. This book of Anglo-Indian perspectives from the writings of journalists and researchers looking in from the outside reveals a kaleidoscope of community wealth and sorrow documented, published in newspapers having a life-span of only one day, or in magazines which live for a month- and vanish into white-paper morgues. I have kept clippings of the best articles, letters, quotes, events and other items of interest to the history of the Anglo-Indian race, from its birth, growth and betrayal. All this painstakingly preserved for posterity, for those dedicated souls who will rise from the ashes-and for those who will reconstruct the past, and build a better tomorrow.
This book is only an introduction to my personal Archives, scratching the surface of the insurmountable information, notes and documents. I am a Social Anthropologist and Chronicler of the Anglo-Indian community, open to scholars, friends and researchers. If you enjoy reading this book for whatever reasons, and if you are empowered by its story to make a difference-I invite you to take my visions a step forward.
-Melvyn Brown
(The above message has been taken from the "Foreword" of the book, "The Anglo-Indian Archives" by Melvyn Brown. Published by Melvyn Brown. Calcutta. 2001. )

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