Monday 23 November 2015

Celebration of Corpus Christi in Calcutta

This Sunday afternoon 22 November was special. It was an encounter of Calcutta’s Catholic faithful and the celebration of Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) on the massive grounds of St. Xavier’s College on Park Street. Roughly 3 thousand Catholics met from across the city and suburbs, seeking to give exposure of the Christian faith at a time when the world crisis in barbarism and Christian ‘genocide’ is spilling out of the Middle East.

Archbishop Thomas D’Souza led the opening prayers, blessed the huge crowds of people, parish groups, association members and several lay leaders. In his remarks, the Bishop took a moment to speak about the coming Year of Mercy.

The Corpus Christi procession was organized by The Catholic Association of Bengal.

Calendars for the year 2016 were available presented by the Calcutta Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services; and Pro-life prayer cards were given out by the Ambassadors For Jesus under direction of Founder Melvyn Brown who also gave cards announcing the coming Year of Mercy (8 December 2015 – 20 November 2016).

Event Reported by: Melvyn Brown, ABTI(London)

Photos Courtesy: Anji D'Cruze

Thursday 19 November 2015

Say Prayers Seriously By Melvyn Brown.

Say Prayers Seriously By Melvyn Brown. 

Prayer is the lifeline to mental and spiritual peace. Prayer can generate love, forgiveness and much more. It is virtually impossible to imagine life without prayer.
We should restore prayer to a larger tapestry of sacredness in the faith. It is remarkable, in a way, to know that basically there are 6 types of prayers.
Indeed, although we pray, many do not stop to think in which category they are placing their prayers. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."(Mark.7:7).
The Gospel of Matthew draws our attention to General Prayer. The other 5 are : Private prayer; Family prayer; Social prayer; Intercessory prayer and Answers to prayers.
I can send you details on prayer life (Free) on request.